The choice of personal or professional insurance is always an important decision. If you make a correct choice of the type of insurance that best suits your needs and your coverage, you will avoid many headaches in the future.
Some insurance brokers are thinking more about the commission that can be earned, than on the real needs of the person they have in front of them. Many times, for foreigners who live here, the little knowledge of the language and of the laws of this country, are precisely some of the causes they end up falling into unscrupulous hands, or they do not buy the product best suited to them. That is a regrettable situation that, through Norman’s Insurance, is eliminated in this sector.
“At Norma’s Insurance we focus on each client, listening and analyzing their needs, knowing them well and then guiding them to design the most appropriate coverage, according to their possibilities and financial reality”, says Norma Hernández, director of this company located in Manassas, VA.
Norma has 6 years advising professionals and families in Northern Virginia, on insurance matters. She tells us that the real interest of the personnel on the company she represents is to establish long-term alliances with satisfied customers, so she considers it vital to guide future policyholders about the most appropriate and fair policies.
An example of this is the error that is usually committed at the time of acquiring a policy of protection for a vehicle. Due to lack of knowledge, or because they want to save a few dollars, some people acquire personal car policies for vehicles used for work or commercial purposes, and when analyzing the coverage, that error ends up being even more expensive.
As a start, first correctly identify what you need: Initially, it is essential to distinguish and identify the kind of policy that is really needed, and that distinction is established according to the use that is actually given to the vehicle, or the vehicles that you want to ensure. A car that is used for work or commercial purposes, to distribute personnel or material, or to dispatch orders, must be insured with a commercial policy. Now, a vehicle that is only used for personal purposes such as transfer of the family, take the children from home to school and back, then, this would correspond to a personal policy.
A commercial auto insurance policy, although it could cost, perhaps, 10% more than a personal policy, the coverage of the commercial policy triples the personal, not only in the restoration of capital, but in response time and formalities.
Another advantage that customers obtains when acquiring a commercial protection policy is that, at the end of the year, they can include the investment in their tax returns.
Let’s see in summary, the advantages of the Commercial Insurance Policy for your vehicles:
- You can deduct it from your taxes.
- You do not need to have registered a company to contract this type of insurance
- The range of protection is wider, compared to the personal auto insurance policy.
- The coverage is much higher.
- The conditions and requirements to acquire this policy are not excessive or cumbersome.
- A commercial insurance policy is an important guarantee and advantage when it comes to securing contracts related to your business or service.
And in addition, hiring Norma’s Insurance And Travel Agency LLC represents an additional advantage because, we operate as brokers, so we offer our clients a range of solutions for their needs.
The important thing, says Hernández, “is that you make the first step and let yourself be guided by the best ones, because a single step is all we need to offer you a world of solutions”.
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